Ontario Soccer provides accident insurance to all registrants participating in 'sanctioned activity.'
Ontario Soccer is serviced in this area by HKMB HUB International, who provides a comprehensive insurance program specifically designed for Ontario Soccer.
Detailed information including policy/cover summaries, forms, contact information and additional coverage can be found at HUB's designated Ontario Soccer landing page.
Clubs, Academies, Leagues and District Associations should direct their membership to the Insurance section of Ontario Soccer's website to ensure they are provided with the most recently updated information and forms:
Specifically please note the most recent changes to the processing of Accident Insurance Claims:
Accident Claim Submission
The Accident Claim Forms have been updated as of September 1, 2017.
When submitting a claim:
1) All forms (5 pages) must be complete by the claimant and the Attending Physician
2) Forms must be validated by the participant's CLUB OR ACADEMY
Forms must be sent to Chubb Life Insurance Company of Canada directly (claims.A_H@chubb.com) with any copies of receipts, etc. within 30 days of the accident. Chubb will be in contact with the claimant directly.
If you have any further questions please contact insurance@ontariosoccer.net.