At the board level in clubs across Ontario the lead up to the Annual General Meeting can be demanding and tiring as you prepare for the event. You look back over the year to report your findings, present operational data, make projections and prepare an extensive presentation with your staff and board about the future of the club and the game.
Some time at the end of this process, board members feel exasperated by the minimal impact from their efforts or have the feeling that so much more still needs to be done to move their club from good to great. This is not a uncommon or unique problem but how do you establish new goals – or simply keep focused on the existing goals?
Last week the OSA visited Waterloo Minor Soccer Club to see how the club keeps on track.
They have an annual planning process called Vision Workshopsthat plays an essential role in their success. After their AGM, they start planning this session immediately.
While led by a guest facilitator, the workshop format calls for pre-determined breakout groups that allow for contributions from all attendees as they are led through a time sensitive agenda of guidance topics to ensure all necessary points are reviewed.
The attendees include staff, board members and guests to make the process inclusive and multi-dimensional. It isn't unusual for them to invite speakers or interested parties from other clubs to witness and partake in the process.
In addition to formulating at least some elements of the clubs strategy, the process results in identifying issues, opportunities and establishes objectives for the year ahead.
It is an opportunity for them to review their mission statement and to continue to build upon their strategic plan. It also has proved to be a useful tool to help introduce new board members to their established club vision.
The advantage of this approach is that it sets the tone of teamwork and helps motivate their group with the implementation and executions of their strategy. Much can be learned from their methods.
Visit Waterloo Minor Soccer Club to learn more
Written by: Jenn Granger, OSA Club Development