A Special General Meeting (SGM) of the Ontario Soccer Members has been scheduled and called for June 24, 2017, one day prior to the 2017 Annual General Meeting. The proposed motions to be voted upon at the SGM relate to amending the Ontario Soccer By-Laws and any such approved amendments will materially impact elections to be held at the 2017 Annual General Meeting.
Furthermore, a motion has been properly submitted to be heard at the 2017 Annual General Meeting which may also impact elections to be held at the 2017 Annual General Meeting. Based on the outcome of the SGM and any preliminary motions to be heard at the 2017 Annual General Meeting, the following may occur, singularly or in combination, and impact the 2017 Annual General Meeting elections:
An update will be provided to all nominees immediately after the SGM or after any preliminary motions at the 2017 Annual General Meeting effecting elections.
If you require additional information or clarity, please contact Sara Gregory, Chair of the Transitional Nominations Committee, via Charonne Thomasos.
Nominations and Elections will be conducted in accordance with Ontario Soccer’s By-Laws, Temporary By-Laws and Reference Document - Elections & Nominations Procedures. Once received, and validated by Ontario Soccer, all Nominations will be posted to the Ontario Soccer website.
Questions in this regard can be directed to Sara Gregory, Chair of the Transitional Nominations Committee via Charonne Thomasos.
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