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Reducing Unidentified Concussions

By OSA News, 12/09/14, 12:00PM EST


In recent months there has been a lot of discussion around the issue of concussions.

The OSA has consistently referred Coaches, Players and Parents to the use of the FIFA Sport Concussion Assessment Tool commonly known as the FIFA SCAT 3.

The '3' refers to the most recent version of the tool which is reviewed by FIFA's medical committee on a regular basis.

In addition to this tool, the Coaching Association of Canada, through its National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) offers an excellent educational tool for anyone involved in soccer called Making Headway in Soccer.

This program has been reviewed by OSA staff and the Chair of the OSA Medical Committee, Dr. Gringmuth.

This course could help in reducing unidentified concussions. The course is free and accessible to through the NCCP Locker - all you need to do is set up an account.

The course helps identify the situations when concussions might occur, the indicators of a possible concussion and the most steps taken before a player can return to play.

For further information on Concussion Tools and Club best practice visit our webpage.