During the last five years, over 13,000 competitive level coaches have been certified in the Respect in Soccer program.
The Ontario Soccer Association and Respect Group are pleased to announce that an updated version of the program has been released. This course is accessible and completed online. This coincides with the need for over 1000 coaches to re-certify in this program for 2016. The new program launched on March 18th, 2016.
To further assist our Club, Academy and District Associations we will offer two, 30 minute, online workshops delivered by Respect Group Staff. These workshops will walk Administrators and Club Leaders through the Respect in Sport platform in order to assist them in tracking their own Coach and Activity Leaders progress.
April 12 2016 (6pm) REGISTER HERE
April 14 2016 (6pm) REGISTER HERE
Activity Leader Program
OSA joins the numerous other sporting organizations in Canada by utilizing the Respect in Sport – Activity Leader Program. Respect in Soccer as it was once known, now no longer exists. Respect in Soccer in essence, mirrored the Respect in Sport – Activity Leader program. The only difference for the most part were graphics and some minor content issues. All existing Respect in Soccer certification remains valid and is renewable every five years.
Topics addressed in this program are not specific to any sport or activity. The program focuses on educating adults who connect with kids through sport and other activities. The program is about keeping sport fun and safe for kids, and fostering a culture of respect where everyone including the adults, benefit from the knowledge gained through this training. It is also transferable across sports involved in the Respect Inc. program.
OSA has and will continue to take a leadership role in this area. Focussing on Respect, keeping our game fun and safe for all participants remains a high priority.
Course Access: https://ontariosoccer.respectgroupinc.com/
Parent Program
Currently running as a pilot project in two District Associations the Parent program is a 1 hour on-line course. The certification is required of one parent for each player and most success has been seen in Clubs that attach it as part of the player registration process. An encouraging Club response has confirmed this is the right thing to do.
The course was developed to compliment Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders by reinforcing a parents role in a child or youth’s activities, encouraging positive sport behaviours, and providing insight into the various roles other individuals (such as coaches and officials) play. This program empowers parents to ensure the safety of their children, encourage positive and effective communication, and to enhance a child’s fun and camaraderie of the activity.
One of the most common reasons coaches, managers, and officials, of all ages, cite for leaving sport is unacceptable parent behaviour. The Respect in Sport Parent Program will help define a model of behaviour for all parents and create a more rewarding, safe and respectful environment for everyone involved. A parent, who has already taken this program through another sport, does not have to re-take the program. They can simply import their existing certification to the OSA’s Parent Program database.
The certification does not have an expiry date.
Course Access: https://osaparent.respectgroupinc.com/