The Ontario Soccer Association Match Officials Development Department and Match Officials Development Committee will be releasing the new Game Fee and Assigning Protocol early in 2016. This item was recently approved by the OSA Board at their December 12-13, 2015 meeting. Implementation commences with recommended increases in 2017 and full compliance, province wide in 2018.
This protocol brings a game fee increase to Regional and Provincial Youth and Senior leagues that will be implemented over the two year period. There will be a requirement that any assignor must be a registered member of the OSA. Assignors must follow the Canada Soccer Pyramid of Assigning and also follow the OSA Grading Protocol and the OSA Game Fee and Assigning Protocol.
The goal of this protocol is to create consistency, accountability and credibility.
Stage 1:
Stage 2 and 3 (minimums and maximum for District leagues-competitive and recreational, indoor and outdoor) will be brought forward for Board review and approval in coming years as this is being developed to be phased in over time, with the ultimate end goal of all being in place by 2020.
Please note that current protocols are available on the OSA website.
For further information please contact Nicky Pearson, Manager Match Officials Development.