A revised edition of the Ontario Soccer Association's Volunteer Screening Manual is now available on the OSA's website. It is available in either a word document or as a PDF in the Risk Management section of the website.
This document is considered a "living document," where each club can format for their own use. In the word document there are specific areas where a club can insert its own name and address.
One major change that we would like to bring to your attention is that there are no longer three levels of risk. It is either low or high. The main indicator of the difference between low and high is whether a player travels or not (please refer to page 4).
The OSA will notify the districts through an Information Bulletin as to when the Volunteer Screening Manual Webinar Session will be held. It will likely take place in early June, but if you have any questions now regarding the new Screening Manual or difficulties opening either document type, please contact Gerry Jennings at (905) 264-9390 Ext 223 or gjennings@soccer.on.ca.