Play. Inspire. Unite.
The University of British Columbia (UBC), supported by Canada Soccer, BC Soccer and Ontario Soccer, is currently running a research project to learn more about the paths and reasons for continued participation and success in girls' and women's soccer.
The study, "Girls' and Women's Soccer Pathways," is currently recruiting girls (and their parents) who play competitive soccer, between the ages of 13 and 18. Participants are being sought across the country who play at various levels from the highest tiers of girls' soccer (e.g., National, Provincial, Rex) to other competitive levels (including District, Regional and/or the OPDL).
If you are interested and want to check if you qualify, PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL to: Please include in the message at least one parent's (guardian's) name and email, the player's current team, age group and level of participation.
A LINK TO THE SURVEY WILL BE ISSUED ONCE THE EMAIL IS RECEIVED AND PARENTAL CONSENT IS CONFIRMED for all players under 16 years old. A small subset of parents are being asked to also fill out a survey for reliability purposes. Players will get a $15 Amazon voucher for completing the survey (parent's, $10 voucher). A shortened version of the survey will be provided to players each year, over a 3-5 year period, with a subsequent $10 voucher for each additional survey completed.
Survey Deadline: January 8, 2024
To learn more about the research project, including eligibility and submission details, visit: