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Register for April Match Official webinars

By Staff, 03/23/21, 3:00PM EDT


There will be three more Match Official webinars held in April that will focus on Law Review, Self Evaluation and Preparation and Info for New Match Officials

Play. Inspire. Unite. 

Ontario Soccer is helping Match Officials get ready for the 2021 season. 

In order to assist Match Officials, Ontario Soccer will build on the success of February and March's webinars and host three more webinars over the next month. These sessions are now open to any interested match official. 

Each webinar will deal with a different area of preparation and is open to Match Officials of different levels.

There are only 250 spots available for each webinar though so be sure to register early. Click here to register. 

Self Evaluation in Preparation for 2021 - April 6 at 7 pm

This webinar looks at when we evaluate ourselves, we are assessing what we know, do not know, and what we would like to know. 

Law Review for 2021 Season - April 13 at 7 pm 

This is geared towards 2nd year and higher Match Officials.

Information for newer Match Officials and projecting Professionalism - April 20 at 7 pm 

This is geared towards 2020 Clinic graduates, first and second year officials, but all are welcome