The Coach Education Pathway in Ontario Soccer and Canada Soccer has undergone significant changes to align with the requirements of the Concacaf Coaching Convention.
Block 4 (October - December 2024) has now closed. If you need to complete your C Licence evaluation please email Lyndon Hooper to request an evaluation.
The former National C Licence is continuing to complete evaluations until December 31, 2024. To complete your evaluation, your current C Licence Trained must be valid. If your “Trained” status is no longer valid you will need to register for the Grassroots Diploma.
Canada Soccer is still awaiting approval into the Concacaf Coaching Convention, which will allow coach licensing upgrades into that pathway. As such, they have decided to postpone all upgrades to 2025, allowing them and coaches more time to finalize their transition plans.
Please note: Coaches who hold a valid National ‘C’ Licence trained or certified status will continue to be recognized until such a time as an upgrade or transition process is announced by Ontario Soccer and Canada Soccer. Coaches can also be provided an opportunity to submit a Coach Development Plan as they work to achieve the required certifications.
Before requesting an evaluation...
Take into consideration the following factors that may affect you and your ability to complete the evaluation during the required time period:
When registering for an Evaluation, coaches must ensure they are able to complete the entire process in the allotted three (3) month timeframe. Failure to complete the process or withdrawal at any point will result in an incomplete attempt and require that the coach re-registers for another Evaluation with the accompanying fee in full. No exceptions will be made.
Evaluation Process
Upon fully completing the C Licence course, coaches must successfully complete their practical evaluation to attain C Licence "Certified" status. Evaluations are completed via the video evaluation platform.
Caches will complete the evaluation process, as follows:
See below for the Video Evaluation Process and Video Evaluation Guidelines documents.
Important: For coaches that completed their course prior to 2019, payment steps will be shared to finalize registration. Coaches that completed their course in 2019 and beyond have already completed payment through their registration for the course.
Next Steps...
If coaches are unsuccessful in their evaluation, they are eligible one (1) re-evaluation within their 'trained' status period (currently 3 years; previously 5 years). Each additional evaluation is subject to payment of $250.
Coaches are able to appeal an unsuccessful evaluation and/or the evaluation process or procedure. Please see the Appeals document below for detailed information on the appeal process.